Next Move

#NextMove is a student-produced interview series addressing college & career readiness and the daily grind of students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Kiersten Roberts talks academics
Kiersten Roberts goes into detail about how she manages relationships with professors and the stressful workload at Xavier University of Louisiana.
Kennedy Reid talks careers
Kennedy Reid talks about advocating for yourself in the professional world and finding your career path as a North Carolina A&T State University Aggie.

Kameron Bain talks money
Kameron Bain discusses his experience with understanding financial aid and gives insight on employment opportunities for Morehouse students.
Mya Bray-Lynn Singleton talks campus life
Bray-Lynn Singleton speaks on opportunities offered by clubs and organizations that make campus-living both enjoyable and rewarding at North Carolina A&T State University.

Nyah Hardmon talks inspiration
Nyah Hardmon of Howard University tells us about her inspirations for making a change in America and inspires us to discover our own motivations to make the world a better place.

HBCU First is a student-led community advancing the wellbeing and economic participation of America’s youth.

HBCU First Town Hall discusses bettering your experience.