Map of HBCUs by State

There are 100+ Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) located in 19 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. (National Center for Education Statistics (NCES))

List of HBCUs by State

Below is a complete list of America's 100+ Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by state.
Each HBCU listing includes video , student testimonials , school website , athletics website , Instagram , and Twitter .
Alabama A&M University | | | | |
Alabama State University | | | | |
Bishop State Community College | | | |
Gadsden State Community College | | | |
J. F. Drake State Technical College | | |
Lawson State Community College | | | |
Miles College | | | | | |
Oakwood University | | | |
Selma University |
Shelton State Community College | | | | |
Stillman College | | | | | |
Talladega College | | | |
Trenholm State Community College | | | |
Tuskegee University | | | | |
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff | | | | |
Arkansas Baptist College | | | |
Philander Smith University | | | |
Shorter College | | | |
Delaware State University | | | | |
University of the District of Columbia | | | | |
Howard University | | | | |
Bethune Cookman University | | | | |
Edward Waters University | | | |
Florida A&M University | | | | | |
Florida Memorial University | | | |
Albany State University | | | |
Clark Atlanta University | | | | |
Fort Valley State University | | | |
Interdenominational Theological Center | | |
Morehouse College | | | |
Morehouse School of Medicine | | |
Morris Brown College | | | |
Paine College | | | |
Savannah State University | | | | |
Spelman College | | | | |
Kentucky State University | | | | | |
Simmons College of Kentucky | | | | |
Dillard University | | | |
Grambling State University | | | | |
Southern University at New Orleans | | | |
Southern University at Shreveport | | | |
Southern University and A&M College | | | |
Xavier University of Louisiana | | | | |
Bowie State University | | | | |
Coppin State University | | | | |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore | | | | |
Morgan State University | | | |
Alcorn State University | | | | |
Coahoma Community College | | | | |
Hinds Community College | | | | |
Jackson State University | | | | |
Mississippi Valley State University | | | | |
Rust College | | | |
Tougaloo College | | | |
Harris-Stowe State University | | | | |
Lincoln University | | | |
Bennett College | | | |
Elizabeth City State University | | | | |
Fayetteville State University | | | |
Johnson C. Smith University | | | | |
Livingstone College | | | |
North Carolina A&T University | | | | |
North Carolina Central University | | | | |
Shaw University | | | | |
Saint Augustine's University | | | | |
Winston-Salem State University | | | | |
Central State University | | | | |
Wilberforce University | | | | |
Langston University | | | | | |
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania| | | | |
Lincoln University | | | | | |
Allen University | | | | |
Benedict College | | | | |
Claflin University | | | |
Clinton College | | | |
Denmark Technical College | | | |
Morris College | | | | | |
South Carolina State University | | | |
Voorhees College | | | | |
American Baptist College | | | |
Fisk University | | | | |
Lane College | | | |
LeMoyne-Owen College | | |
Meharry College | | | | |
Tennessee State University | | | | | |
Huston-Tillotson University | | | | |
Jarvis Christian College | | | |
Paul Quinn College | | | | | |
Prairie View A&M University | | | | | |
Southwestern Christian College | | |
St. Philip's College | | | | | |
Texas College | | |
Texas Southern University | | | | |
Wiley College | | | |
University of the Virgin Islands | | | | | |
Hampton University | | | | | | |
Norfolk State University | | | | | |
Virginia State University | | | | | |
Virginia Union University | | | |
Virginia University of Lynchburg | | |
Bluefield State College | | | | |
West Virginia State University | | | | | |

HBCU Rankings

We believe college choice is particularly personal for Black youth and recognize priorities for college selection are different for each student. We also believe all HBCUs have value and are doing what they can to fulfill their shared mission of educating Black Americans.

To get a fair view of the value and performance of individual HBCUs, we encourage you to take a look at all three lists below. Each publisher uses a different methodology for ranking Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

U.S. News & World Report (2022)
Best Historically Black Colleges and Universities
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To qualify for the U.S. News ranking, an HBCU also must be an undergraduate baccalaureate-granting institution that enrolls primarily first-year, first-time students and must be a school that is currently part of the 2022 Best Colleges rankings. In total, 79 HBCUs were eligible to be included on the list.

Niche.com (2022)
Best HBCUs in America
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The Niche.com rankings are based on key statistics and student reviews using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Niche.com's top-ranked HBCUs are not only leading academic institutions but also offer an exceptional student experience.

College Consensus
College Consensus (2022)
Best Historically Black Colleges and Universities
View Report  
As an aggregate ranking, College Consensus pulls together data from numerous college ranking sites, including U.S. News & World Report, WalletHub, and the Wall Street Journal. They combine those results with the most reputable student reviews, from sites including Niche, My Plan, and Unigo, creating a Publisher Rating and a Student Review Rating.

*We strive for accuracy and fairness, so if you see something that doesn't look right, , thank you.

HBCU First is a student-led community advancing the wellbeing and economic participation of America’s youth.

See the benefits of attending a Historically Black College.